Creative Asset Mapping

Are you an artist, designer, cultural producer, small business owner, or social worker with at least 5 years of experience in community development or organization in Shan State, or in Mandalay Division and in Yangon Division? Are you interested to learn about the creative asset mapping and how to add your information to our database of Myanmar artists, designers, cultural producers and organizations? By placing yourself on our Creative Asset and Resources map, you can help us paint a larger picture of how and where arts and culture happen in your region.

Creative Assets Mapping (CAM) is a community storytelling and data visualization project, where active players in the fields of arts and culture from Shan State, Mandalay and Yangon Divisions collaborate to better understand artistic excellence and cultural vibrancy in their communities. CAM is a creative response to the call for a deeper engagement with cultural phenomena in these regions by gathering the cultural priorities of the people in these regions in 2023.

Selected 9 resource persons and 3 cultural leaders representing each region with a range of creative practices will lead the mapping. AMCA envisions the mapping as cultural visioning, and planning work at the regional level to develop a rich and interactive survey of cultural urgency and vitality. The data will be available through a digital map at the end of the training.

This program is organized by AMCA as part of Artist Fund Cycle 4 supported by Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation (SDC) and co-financed by Helvetas.

  • Lecture and Study Weeks

    • Lecture

      • Dates: 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23 October 2023 

      • Time: 3:00 - 5:00 PM

      • Venue: Zoom

    • Independent Study

      • Dates: 25 to 31 October 2023

    Practical Weeks

    • Field Trip/Group Work and Review

      • Date: 1-14 November 2023

      • Venue: Participants may require to visit for field trip and do group work at respective regions (Yangon, Mandalay, Shan)

    • Map-making and Analysis (to gather at Yangon for 5 days and work with the mapping expert)

      • Date: 15-20 November 2023 

      • Venue: Yangon (will confirm the date and address later)

    • Presentation Day

      • Date: December 1st Week

  • If you are interested in participating in this program, prepare your opinions for the following open questions:

    • What are the roles of arts and culture in your community?

    • What is your role as a cultural practitioner in your community?

    • How would you evaluate the arts and cultural scene in your community?

    • What and how can you do more for your community’s art and cultural development?

    Send your answers back to us at by 20 September 2023, 11:59 PM (Myanmar Standard Time). Only selected candidates will be notified.


Empower Your Artistry: Building Skills for Myanmar Artists


Artist Fund Cycle 4